Sochi that will host the 2014 Winter Olympics is as one of the largest construction zones in the world. The complex development of the coastal infrastructure of seaport (total area more than 10 ha) to be completed in 2016 in two phases, Olympic phases and Postolympic phases. The city is building a world-class seaport to accomodate cruise ships and to support a big increase in Black Sea ferry traffic. Cruise ships are projected to increase the number of visits to Sochi; are expected to bring more than 100,000 new tourists to the city, most of whom will be from Western Europe or North America. Ferry traffic - including to local destinations and which connects Sochi to Trabzon (Turkey), Gagra (Abkhazia), Batumi (Georgia) and other Russian cities on the Black Sea, such as Gelendzhik and Novorossiysk - is projected to grow to 463 stops in 2015. Sochi will be provided with a new airport and train stations (including Adler Station, which will be the largest in Russia). A new high-speed rail network will connect the airport with both the Coastal and Mountain Clusters. There are new roads, highways, bridges and a new border crossing. Modern hotels and resorts, new apartment complexes, office buildings and shopping centers are going up all over the city, particularly near the city center.